Timing Behind the Scenes – Sports Equipment Managers

Sapling’s synchronized clock systems can benefit a wide array of industries. In order to showcase how our clock systems can do just that, we have decided to go behind the scenes in certain industries and focus on a particular job or task and how the addition of a Sapling synchronized clock system can help bring…

Happy New Year!

We here at Sapling want to wish you and yours a very healthy, safe and prosperous New Year! It is a wonderful time filled with new beginnings and goals to be set. We hope that in the coming year, opportunities are boundless and that you take advantage of these as much as possible! As always,…

Sapling: Quality Products, Quality Craftsmanship, Quality Time

Many companies and organizations operate with many goals in mind, one of which usually includes improving customer satisfaction. Here at Sapling, we believe that using quality parts leads to the development of quality products and satisfied customers. All members of the Sapling team strive to produce superior clocks/clock systems and are proud of the products…

Step-by-Step – Building your Synchronized Clock System

Building a synchronized clock system can initially seem like an overwhelming task. You have many options to choose from, ranging from clock and system type, what accessories you’d like to implement and even the kind of technical information (spec sheets, bill of materials or engineering specs) you’d like to receive. In order to make this…

Selecting the Clock that Fits Your Facility

Whether you step foot into a school, hospital, a corporate office or any other type of building, there are usually many clocks that hang on the walls. Typically, people only notice the clocks when they are wondering what time it is or if the clock happens to be malfunctioning. Some might even say “what’s the…

Airports and Synchronized Time Systems

With the holiday season upon us, many people are traveling to see family and friends in different areas, all around the globe. While there are many ways to travel, the airlines seem to get the brunt of the traveling traffic this time of year. As we all know, getting to the airport all the way…

Cutting Maintenance Fees with a Wireless Clock System

Facility managers have many tasks to complete throughout any given day. Besides managing a team of employees and fulfilling administrative duties, a facility manager also has a hand in any ongoing construction projects, making sure the building is safe and comfortable for employees and many other miscellaneous tasks. One thing that facility managers shouldn’t have…

Sapling’s IP Clock System – Helping Save Energy

One major expense that all facilities must contend with is the rising cost of energy. This expense is unavoidable since companies and organizations need to turn on the lights, power equipment and machinery and provide a temperature-controlled environment for employees, among many other things. In order to help these companies and organizations combat the rising…

How an Elapsed Timer Can Help Your Facility

An Elapsed Timer is a device that gives a digital clock the ability to shift from a time display to a count up or countdown display. Being able to utilize the count up or countdown option can assist many different organizations and companies successfully carry out a variety of tasks, no matter the industry they…

Sapling – More than Just Clocks

Sapling is a company that engineers, manufactures and sells synchronized clock systems. The main benefit of installing a synchronized clock system is that it provides the exact same time to all the clocks within a facility. No matter what part of the building you are in, the clocks will be completely uniform and accurate. You…

Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – Offers Reliability and Accuracy

A common misperception about Sapling’s Wireless Clock System is that if one clock fails, they all fail. This is simply not the case. Sapling has engineered each clock within the wireless system to include a number of features that ensure if one clock stops working for some reason, the others will continue to operate without…

Sapling’s Analog Clocks – Customizable to Meet Your Needs

A typical analog clock looks relatively simple in construction and operation. On the outside, analog clocks look like they are made up of hour, minute and second hands, a dial that displays the numbers, housing to hold the clock and a compartment to place a battery or another type of power source. While Sapling’s analog…

Sapling’s Master Clocks – GPS as a Time Source

Employees that work in an organization that has a synchronized clock system installed typically only see the secondary analog or digital clocks. But there is another clock behind the scenes that many people don’t see or even think of and that’s the master clock. The main objective of the master clock is to provide the…

Synchronized Time Systems – Helping Schools Stay on Track

We have officially reached that time of year when summer is coming to a close and students ranging from kindergarten to graduate school are headed back to the classroom. Returning to school not only affects the students, but parents, school administrators and teachers are all on board as well. With so many people having a…

Sapling Accessories – Enhancing a Synchronized Time System

Here at Sapling, we provide state-of-the-art synchronized time systems to a wide array of industries, located all over the world. Along with the clocks themselves and the various synchronized time keeping systems, Sapling also provides a variety of accessories that can enhance any clock system within any industry. Below are a few accessories that Sapling…

How a Zone Clock Can Help Your Organization

In many businesses, across a variety of industries, many employees are constantly communicating with others that reside in different countries or regions across the globe. Whether you are trying to schedule a conference call, get in touch with a satellite office, or even send an e-mail, knowing the exact time in the regions you are…