The Ultimate Guide to the Time Zone Clock – Part 3

With Part 3 of the Ultimate Guide to Sapling’s Time Zone Clock, I’d like to highlight three industries that would benefit from the addition of a Time Zone Clock. Our Zone Clock can accommodate a wide range of industries, so if you’d like me to cover any other industries, please leave a comment or leave a…

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Happy Veteran’s Day from Sapling!

Every year, we come together as a nation to even further recognize and pay tribute to the veterans of our country. The sacrifices that they have made during their time in service have provided freedoms that are far too often taken for granted.  Veterans Day is the official United States holiday honoring those who have…

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Stay Synchronized With the U.S. Government

The United States government is among the most powerful in the world. Made up of three branches, legislative, judicial and executive, these are the highest ranking authoritative bodies within the government. In addition to those three branches, there are several other government agencies working towards obtaining other goals. The Environmental Protection Agency, Agricultural Department and…

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Celebrate Independence Day with Sapling

Each year on July 4th American’s celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4th, 1776, one of the most important documents was signed and enacted, the Declaration of Independence. This officially decreed the United States was a nation free of British rule, as well as free to create our own democracy and build the country in…

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It’s Easy to ‘FCC’ why Sapling Wireless Clock Systems are the Most Beneficial

Wireless clock systems have taken off in the market over the past several years. It has become a viable force in multiple industries, providing efficient technology that can easily integrate into an array of industries to improve the effectiveness of their business. Healthcare, education, transportation and hospitality are just a few examples of industries that…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – Teamwork at Its Finest

As the old saying goes, ‘There is no I in TEAM!’ Although there is an ‘I’ in the phrase Wireless Clock System, do not let that fool you because this clock system is a terrific example of the meaning of teamwork. They show that when a team works together for a common purpose, much more…

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February Fever!

Amazing how quickly a year can begin! Feels like the other day we were all celebrating the holiday season and ringing in the New Year. Here at Sapling, Inc., we have gotten off to a great start in the first month of 2013. We accomplished a lot of great work, set our goals for the…

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How a Sapling Clock System Could’ve Helped Jack Bauer

Everyone needs a hero in their lives, whether it’s a fictional or non-fictional persona, it’s someone you can depend on in times of trouble and even potential peril. Your hero can be someone who picks you up after your car breaks down or saves the world against evil using nonhuman powers to fly and laugh…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Presidential Inauguration

In continuing with our Timing Behind the Scenes series, we have decided to cover an important day in America’s history: the President’s Inauguration. The beauty of America is the ability of its citizens to maintain their own voice and opinions about the state of the country. One way American citizens let their voice be heard…

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Sapling – More than Just Clocks

Sapling is a company that engineers, manufactures and sells synchronized clock systems. The main benefit of installing a synchronized clock system is that it provides the exact same time to all the clocks within a facility. No matter what part of the building you are in, the clocks will be completely uniform and accurate. You…

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