Happy Mother’s Day from Sapling

The most important woman in any of lives is our others, no matter what your relationship with your mother, you would not be on this earth without her. Mothers are the selfless women that have given life to us and help bring us from young impressionable children to full-fledged responsible adults looking to make a…

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It’s Finals Week!

This time of year is usually the most stressful time for college students…it’s the dreaded finals week. This is the time of year when professors and educators pack everything that has been taught to their students in the past few weeks and create a comprehensive test to challenge the knowledge and fortitude of their students.…

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Happy National Nurses Day!

Today is National Nurses’ Day! They rightly deserve their day, as they are the true backbone of any healthcare facility. While they may not receive the recognition that doctors do, many times the nurses are the ones who patients remember the most! Nurses are in the hospital rooms, doing the difficult daily chores to ensure…

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Wireless Repeaters- The Hidden Gems of the Sapling Company

We have all been pleasantly surprised at one time in our lives. Whether receiving an unsolicited compliment from someone, your favorite sports team pulling off a shocking upset or getting an unsuspected birthday present. The feeling of being surprised is unlike any other and can create memories that could last a lifetime. There are things…

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Never Run ‘Out of Time for Matt Damon’ with a Sapling Clock System

Every night “Live From Hollywood, It’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!” The late night talk show airs nightly on ABC with the host/comedian, Jimmy Kimmel, amusing his audience with his hilarious anecdotes relating to current events and comedic segments. Kimmel also interviews the stars of music, film, television, fashion and entertainment today. One of the high points…

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Wireless Clocks Aid in the Healthcare Field

Our world is constantly evolving; we have never had as many people on earth as we do right now. Earth’s population has surpassed the 7 billion mark. A large reason for this growing trend is the fact that humans are living longer than ever before, due in large part to our greater knowledge of the…

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Sapling Lends Some Helping Hands

One of the most vital instruments on our bodies are our hands. An unlimited amount can be translated through the use of our hands; we can show our fortitude and confidence through a handshake with a business associate, create a piece of art, decorate a house, build a foundation of a home or a relationship,…

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Productivity Across any Time Zone

In regards to communications, the world in which we live gets smaller day by day. It started with Alexander Graham Bell’s creation of the telephone, and today we have advanced the continuation of that creation up to the point where we now have the Internet, iPhones, and email that make worldwide communication instantaneous! All of…

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Stop, Drop and Install a Synchronized Clock System

There are specific duties that a school is responsible for in their daily operations. Teachers are accountable when it comes to teaching students the subjects needed to learn such as math and English. Along with that, principals and fellow staff are liable to make the correct decisions that maximize the benefits in regards to budget,…

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Sapling Stars on the Small Screen

We here at Sapling want to thank the people at Technical College High School Pennock’s Bridge Campus for including our clocks in their 2013 commercial! What a pleasant surprise, glad to see you are enjoying your Sapling system. Technical College High School Pennock’s Bridge Campus can be found online at http://www.cciu.org/Domain/199 , on Facebook @…

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