Happy National Nurses Day!

Today is National Nurses’ Day! They rightly deserve their day, as they are the true backbone of any healthcare facility. While they may not receive the recognition that doctors do, many times the nurses are the ones who patients remember the most! Nurses are in the hospital rooms, doing the difficult daily chores to ensure that complete strangers are feeling as healthy and comfortable as possible during their hospital stay. They are personable, accommodating and friendly stewards of the healthcare field, creating an atmosphere where people, patients and others included feel comfortable no matter what their circumstances may be. Consistently working hard is admirable to a patient and their family, which often leads to a positive relationship between the patients and nurses. This all leads to a nurses’ ultimate goal: to restore their patient back to full strength as quickly and efficiently as possible in whatever way they can.

The Sapling Company recognizes the nursing field and all they do for society on a daily basis. Along with that, we offer products that can assist in their daily efforts around the hospitals, because they may seem invincible through their hard work, but they could use a helping hand every once in a while.

With hundreds of vaccinations, prescription pills and medicines given to patients, the timing of consumption of these drugs are of vast importance. Nurses should be able to administer medicine on time and accurately; failure to do so could potentially have major ramifications and legal issues. With a Sapling synchronized clock system streaming synchronized time throughout any hospital building, nurses will be able to communicate the correct times and keeping the most accurate records possible, thus avoiding possible legal ramifications while providing well regarded care.

Along with that, medical centers sometimes find themselves in a Code Blue situation. These are extreme medical emergencies where a patient has gone into cardiac arrest or some other life threatening situation. Obviously, time is of the essence in these instances and use of Sapling’s Elapsed Timer can aid in the time count since the Code Blue was initiated, better assisting them to administer the proper care in the high pressure situations.

We here at Sapling are more than proud to provide assistance to any medical professional and would like to give a big thank you to all the nurses who constantly put others needs before their own. It is truly a labor of love!

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