Did You Remember to Adjust Your Clocks?

According to a national survey conducted in the Spring of 2010 by Rasmussen Reports, 83% of people knew when to move their clocks, while 27% showed up an hour early or late at least once in their lives. Here’s hoping you showed up right on time today. The only confusion I encountered this morning was…

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FCC Licensing & the Sapling Advantage

  The Federal Communications Organization is a government agency tasked with regulating communications through the mediums of radio, television, satellite, and cable. Wireless synchronized time systems transmit data through radio frequencies (RF). In order to maintain order within RF the FCC has created certain rules. For instance, certain radio frequencies are only intended for a…

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Don’t Worry About Us

Usually around this time of year, people are extremely busy and it’s not always work related. With the end of the year approaching, the impending holidays and coordinating family and friend gatherings, things can get quite hectic. During these hectic times, the last thing you need is to worry about is if the equipment in…

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Why Sapling?

Sometimes the questions that seem the simplest to answer are sometimes the hardest to develop answers for. A common interview question that the interviewer could ask the potential candidate is just simply “Why you?” The wording is simple but the ability to not be able to promote the good qualities within yourself could be crippling.…

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Learning with Sapling

One way to learn about Sapling and the benefits of using our products over the competition is our customized White Papers! Located on this page are very informative documents that help explain the many benefits of our clock systems (Wired, IP and Wireless) and how they can help the education and healthcare industries. Here is…

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How Wireless Clocks Assist with a Facility’s Safety

Supervising and managing a large facility is no walk in the park, especially when you begin to list the countless efforts that must all come together unceremoniously to make sure operations of the facility run efficiently. Large facilities, like hospitals, schools and universities, or businesses, need numerous amounts of these tasks to all come together.…

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A Comprehensive Sapling Glossary

With all the technology that is cultivated here at the Sapling Company, we thought it would be useful to provide you with a glossary of common terms you will come across throughout our website and in dealing with our products in order to help benefit you and your facility. By providing you with these synchronized…

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Why Sapling

Sometimes the questions that seem the simplest to answer are sometimes the hardest to develop answers for. A common interview question that the interviewer could ask the potential candidate is just simply “Why you?” The wording is simple but the ability to not be able to promote the good qualities within yourself could be crippling.…

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Take Time to Salute the Troops

Here in the United States of America, we are privileged enough to live in a land full of hope and dreams. Thanks to our forefathers, the founders of the country and the immigrants who quickly blazed the trail and integrated themselves into a land we now have the fortune of calling home, we have the…

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As We Go On, We Remember

This is the time of year where doors begin to close and others begin to open; where chapters are finished being written and the next one begins. People all around the world are having their lives changed and moving on to new phases of their lives. It is the graduation time of year! College students…

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