Super Sunday!

A phenomenal conclusion to America’s favorite sport will occur this Sunday, February 3rd in Super Bowl XLVIII. This is when the NFC champions, the San Francisco 49ers will face off against the Baltimore Ravens, the champions of the AFC, in New Orleans, Louisiana! It promises to be an exciting game as each team is led…

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Going Green with Sapling

With such a powerful growing initiative as the Green movement, and all the pageantry and effort that comes with it, it is sometimes very simple to overlook it the more as it becomes a common theme in our culture. Many people become consumed by the cause and take all the necessary steps to live a…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Presidential Inauguration

In continuing with our Timing Behind the Scenes series, we have decided to cover an important day in America’s history: the President’s Inauguration. The beauty of America is the ability of its citizens to maintain their own voice and opinions about the state of the country. One way American citizens let their voice be heard…

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Wireless Clocks Enjoy Their Stay at Hotels

Many of us have been away from home, whether it’s for business or pleasure, the world calls us away from the comfort of our homes at one point or another. In many cases, you will need a place to stay and hotels are there to fulfill that need. Hotels never cease operation, they are a…

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Happy New Year!

We here at Sapling want to wish you and yours a very healthy, safe and prosperous New Year! It is a wonderful time filled with new beginnings and goals to be set. We hope that in the coming year, opportunities are boundless and that you take advantage of these as much as possible! As always,…

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Cutting Maintenance Fees with a Wireless Clock System

Facility managers have many tasks to complete throughout any given day. Besides managing a team of employees and fulfilling administrative duties, a facility manager also has a hand in any ongoing construction projects, making sure the building is safe and comfortable for employees and many other miscellaneous tasks. One thing that facility managers shouldn’t have…

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How an Elapsed Timer Can Help Your Facility

An Elapsed Timer is a device that gives a digital clock the ability to shift from a time display to a count up or countdown display. Being able to utilize the count up or countdown option can assist many different organizations and companies successfully carry out a variety of tasks, no matter the industry they…

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Sapling – More than Just Clocks

Sapling is a company that engineers, manufactures and sells synchronized clock systems. The main benefit of installing a synchronized clock system is that it provides the exact same time to all the clocks within a facility. No matter what part of the building you are in, the clocks will be completely uniform and accurate. You…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – Offers Reliability and Accuracy

A common misperception about Sapling’s Wireless Clock System is that if one clock fails, they all fail. This is simply not the case. Sapling has engineered each clock within the wireless system to include a number of features that ensure if one clock stops working for some reason, the others will continue to operate without…

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Wireless Clock Systems – Education Saviors

There is a general consensus that being a doctor, lawyer, or anything that first requires obtaining such a high degree is most likely a difficult job, but many people do not realize the grueling demands of working in the education industry. Teachers and school administrators face constant pressures on a daily basis. Keeping a budget…

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