Sapling is Hitting the Road!

Sapling is gearing up for the 2014 trade show season. We have a variety of shows on the horizon and would like to see you at one or more this year! Here at Sapling, we really enjoy getting out on the exhibit hall floor and meeting our current customers as well as potential new customers.…

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Sapling: Driving Innovation

Innovation, which is defined as the act or process of introducing new ideas, devices or methods, is what drives the future of technology. In the past decade, we have seen true innovation in the field of technology, which can be seen in several different ways. Every year, there have been greater and greater strides in…

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The Balancing Act

Working in a hospital can be stressful to say the least. Health care professionals have so many responsibilities to juggle at one time that daily operations can become quite hectic. For most professionals, working in the industry is one giant balancing act, balancing different of tasks that must be completed on time. Due to the…

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Traveling With The Sapling Company

Public transportation is definitely a cheaper alternative to driving yourself and finding parking (especially in a big city), but it can be a bit of an interesting experience. I can’t be sure how your experiences may have went, but mine have been a little dicey. A few years ago I worked at a bar in…

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Stay Synchronized With the U.S. Government

The United States government is among the most powerful in the world. Made up of three branches, legislative, judicial and executive, these are the highest ranking authoritative bodies within the government. In addition to those three branches, there are several other government agencies working towards obtaining other goals. The Environmental Protection Agency, Agricultural Department and…

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Traveling with Sapling

Airports can be a particular frustrating place. Aside from the security checks, the seemingly endless airport terminals and flight delays – time confusion is among the top grievances experienced by fliers today. Everyone knows that you have to get to the airport a few hours before your flight in order to make the departure time.…

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Movie, Popcorn and Synchronized Time

Theaters and cinemas provide a great place for people to go enjoy themselves, relax and spend time with their friends and family. Theaters have a big responsibility, housing hundreds of people in different parts of the facility at one time and showing multiple films. Organization is a must! Implementing a Sapling’s wireless clocks are a…

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Why Sapling

Sometimes the questions that seem the simplest to answer are sometimes the hardest to develop answers for. A common interview question that the interviewer could ask the potential candidate is just simply “Why you?” The wording is simple but the ability to not be able to promote the good qualities within yourself could be crippling.…

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As We Go On, We Remember

This is the time of year where doors begin to close and others begin to open; where chapters are finished being written and the next one begins. People all around the world are having their lives changed and moving on to new phases of their lives. It is the graduation time of year! College students…

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Wireless Repeaters- The Hidden Gems of the Sapling Company

We have all been pleasantly surprised at one time in our lives. Whether receiving an unsolicited compliment from someone, your favorite sports team pulling off a shocking upset or getting an unsuspected birthday present. The feeling of being surprised is unlike any other and can create memories that could last a lifetime. There are things…

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