How Sapling’s Elapsed Timer Can Assist ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

The healthcare industry is a vital part of our society, providing care and, in certain situations, savings lives of those who absolutely need it. Sometimes quick decisions are made on the spot at every hospital around the world; these quick decisions impact so many lives, but few hospitals have the eyes of millions placed upon…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Maintenance Staff

One of the many vital pieces of any efficient business is the effectiveness of its office space. While the employees may be the soul of a company, the office building is where the backbone of the operation occurs. A clean, organized work space provides the proper area for productivity and creativity to grow, as well…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – Teamwork at Its Finest

As the old saying goes, ‘There is no I in TEAM!’ Although there is an ‘I’ in the phrase Wireless Clock System, do not let that fool you because this clock system is a terrific example of the meaning of teamwork. They show that when a team works together for a common purpose, much more…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – School Counselors

The future of our society relies in the hands of its youngest members. With so much development and learning experiences occurring while a child is growing up, school counselors have a valuable job in helping shape these children’s future. On a daily basis, children go through experiences that will help shape the rest of their…

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Going Green with Sapling

With such a powerful growing initiative as the Green movement, and all the pageantry and effort that comes with it, it is sometimes very simple to overlook it the more as it becomes a common theme in our culture. Many people become consumed by the cause and take all the necessary steps to live a…

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How a Sapling Clock System Could’ve Helped Jack Bauer

Everyone needs a hero in their lives, whether it’s a fictional or non-fictional persona, it’s someone you can depend on in times of trouble and even potential peril. Your hero can be someone who picks you up after your car breaks down or saves the world against evil using nonhuman powers to fly and laugh…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Presidential Inauguration

In continuing with our Timing Behind the Scenes series, we have decided to cover an important day in America’s history: the President’s Inauguration. The beauty of America is the ability of its citizens to maintain their own voice and opinions about the state of the country. One way American citizens let their voice be heard…

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Wireless Clocks Enjoy Their Stay at Hotels

Many of us have been away from home, whether it’s for business or pleasure, the world calls us away from the comfort of our homes at one point or another. In many cases, you will need a place to stay and hotels are there to fulfill that need. Hotels never cease operation, they are a…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Sports Equipment Managers

Sapling’s synchronized clock systems can benefit a wide array of industries. In order to showcase how our clock systems can do just that, we have decided to go behind the scenes in certain industries and focus on a particular job or task and how the addition of a Sapling synchronized clock system can help bring…

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Happy New Year!

We here at Sapling want to wish you and yours a very healthy, safe and prosperous New Year! It is a wonderful time filled with new beginnings and goals to be set. We hope that in the coming year, opportunities are boundless and that you take advantage of these as much as possible! As always,…

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