The Balancing Act: Transportation

The Balancing Act Series has returned for yet another exciting installment. This week’s endeavor will show us how Sapling’s TalkBack clock system can help airport professionals in the transportation industry better balance their daily tasks. An airport manager has a multitude of daily tasks that can be made easier with a system from Sapling. An…

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Daylight Savings With Sapling

The idea for Daylight Saving Time first began with Benjamin Franklin. He is credited with conceiving Daylight Saving for the purpose of preserving energy. Although, it was not Franklin who first put his own idea into action. The emperor of Germany during World War 1, Kaiser Wilhelm II, first implemented Franklin’s idea of Daylight Saving…

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The Balancing Act: Education

The Balancing Act Series will delve into how Sapling’s synchronized clock systems can help professionals in several different industries better balance their daily tasks. Educational facilities can become chaotic at times with all of the different activities transpiring throughout the day. Maintaining a certain level of organization can be challenging for the faculty and staff…

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Keeping Facility Maintenance in Check

Facility management can become an enormous task for anyone. There are so many factors to consider when having to manage the equipment in a venue. Facility managers are associated with many different types of facilities, including schools, stadiums, convention centers, offices, shopping complexes, hospitals and many more. One of the major issues that facility managers…

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The Brains of Sapling’s Clock Systems

The human brain is responsible for everything that we do. It is responsible for the decisions we make, our reasoning behind that decision, and then physically carrying out that decision. The human brain may possess the same general structure as other mammals, but is much larger relative to body size. The brain has control over…

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Sapling in Amusement Parks

An amusement park is a place where large numbers of people gather to enjoy different attractions, rides, and even other special events. Amusement parks are located across the country, and people will travel all over the place to find their next thrill. Amusement parks play host to sometimes thousands of guests at once. This means…

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Sapling: Distributing Synchronized Time

A distribution center is a vital component of many companies, especially for those who are exclusively based online. A distribution center is either a warehouse or some other specialized building that is stocked with a company’s product. This product is then distributed to retailers, wholesalers or directly to consumers. There are many different types of…

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Sapling and School Sports

Elementary school is a crucial stage in the development of young students. It is the first stage in which children really begin their academic career. In addition to their academic career, children begin their athletic careers as well. Even as young as 6 years old, kids begin to development their athletic skills, as well as…

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Sapling Assisting Campus Security

Campus security at any college or university is a full time job. These individuals work around the clock to maintain a safer environment. Campus security is answering phone calls from distressed students, supervising student activities, and monitoring security cameras, among other things. A campus security team can function more efficiently with a synchronized clock system.…

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Sapling to the Rescue

The Sapling Company travels all over the world to various trade shows in order to inform professionals, involved in various industries, about the value of synchronized time systems. The Pennsylvania based company sends representatives to a number of different places throughout the United States, Canada and UAE, just to name a few. Trips like these…

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