Movie, Popcorn and Synchronized Time

Theaters and cinemas provide a great place for people to go enjoy themselves, relax and spend time with their friends and family. Theaters have a big responsibility, housing hundreds of people in different parts of the facility at one time and showing multiple films. Organization is a must! Implementing a Sapling’s wireless clocks are a…

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Why Sapling

Sometimes the questions that seem the simplest to answer are sometimes the hardest to develop answers for. A common interview question that the interviewer could ask the potential candidate is just simply “Why you?” The wording is simple but the ability to not be able to promote the good qualities within yourself could be crippling.…

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As We Go On, We Remember

This is the time of year where doors begin to close and others begin to open; where chapters are finished being written and the next one begins. People all around the world are having their lives changed and moving on to new phases of their lives. It is the graduation time of year! College students…

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Wireless Repeaters- The Hidden Gems of the Sapling Company

We have all been pleasantly surprised at one time in our lives. Whether receiving an unsolicited compliment from someone, your favorite sports team pulling off a shocking upset or getting an unsuspected birthday present. The feeling of being surprised is unlike any other and can create memories that could last a lifetime. There are things…

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It’s Easy to ‘FCC’ why Sapling Wireless Clock Systems are the Most Beneficial

Wireless clock systems have taken off in the market over the past several years. It has become a viable force in multiple industries, providing efficient technology that can easily integrate into an array of industries to improve the effectiveness of their business. Healthcare, education, transportation and hospitality are just a few examples of industries that…

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Never Run ‘Out of Time for Matt Damon’ with a Sapling Clock System

Every night “Live From Hollywood, It’s Jimmy Kimmel Live!” The late night talk show airs nightly on ABC with the host/comedian, Jimmy Kimmel, amusing his audience with his hilarious anecdotes relating to current events and comedic segments. Kimmel also interviews the stars of music, film, television, fashion and entertainment today. One of the high points…

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Wireless Clocks Aid in the Healthcare Field

Our world is constantly evolving; we have never had as many people on earth as we do right now. Earth’s population has surpassed the 7 billion mark. A large reason for this growing trend is the fact that humans are living longer than ever before, due in large part to our greater knowledge of the…

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Evolution of Clocks

When people start to list most important inventions ever created, the same answers are always given: electricity, the wheel, the telephone, the car and the internet. Obviously, all of these inventions have made impacts on our society greater than can be properly explained in one blog post. However, none of these objects could have invented…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Convention Centers

There are many organizations that accomplish a variety of duties on a daily basis, but no organization is as chameleon-like and flexible as a convention center where a variety of countless events are held inside every month. Employees within a convention center work day after day changing the outfit of their operation to fit the…

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Order in the Court with a Sapling Wireless Clock System

Judge Judith Sheindlin, popularly known as ‘Judge Judy’ is a courtroom judge that presides over claims cases that are broadcasted regularly on her reality show. The show rarely portrays Judge Judy in a good mood dealing with minor disputes occurring in her court room. With all the bickering going on in front of her, it’s…

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