Wireless Clocks Enjoy Their Stay at Hotels

Many of us have been away from home, whether it’s for business or pleasure, the world calls us away from the comfort of our homes at one point or another. In many cases, you will need a place to stay and hotels are there to fulfill that need. Hotels never cease operation, they are a…

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Cutting Maintenance Fees with a Wireless Clock System

Facility managers have many tasks to complete throughout any given day. Besides managing a team of employees and fulfilling administrative duties, a facility manager also has a hand in any ongoing construction projects, making sure the building is safe and comfortable for employees and many other miscellaneous tasks. One thing that facility managers shouldn’t have…

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Sapling – More than Just Clocks

Sapling is a company that engineers, manufactures and sells synchronized clock systems. The main benefit of installing a synchronized clock system is that it provides the exact same time to all the clocks within a facility. No matter what part of the building you are in, the clocks will be completely uniform and accurate. You…

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Wireless Clock Systems – Education Saviors

There is a general consensus that being a doctor, lawyer, or anything that first requires obtaining such a high degree is most likely a difficult job, but many people do not realize the grueling demands of working in the education industry. Teachers and school administrators face constant pressures on a daily basis. Keeping a budget…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – A Healthcare Necessity

In today’s day and age, people are having a difficult time agreeing on what’s most important in life. Financial achievements tend to be a popular goal for many individuals. On the other hand, people who aren’t as materialistic tend to view less intrinsic successes, such as spending quality time with family friends on a consistent…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock Systems – Benefits that Cannot be Duplicated

All organizations go about their daily business using time management, even if they don’t notice. Deadlines must be met at a certain hour, meetings with clients sometimes cannot be delayed, the list goes on and on. The bottom line is that employees, managers and executives all deal with time pressures every day. Time management skills…

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TalkBack to the Future – The Next Generation

Many individuals fail to acknowledge that time management is more-or-less the root to success. Organization, for example, is a trait that is widely used to characterize one who succeeds. An organized individual has a plan, is determined to complete an objective, and does not let distractions set him or her back. I think I can…

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Wireless Clocks, an Elementary Investment

A synchronized clock system provides many advantages to virtually any industry. Tardiness becomes indefensible and productivity normally spikes tenfold. Education is an industry that can benefit largely from the usage of time uniformity, namely the elementary education sector. Let’s face it, it is common to see a high school student say one thing, and do…

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Wireless Clocks: Government Necessity

Many people are unaware of the benefits that a synchronized wireless clock system provides. When all there is uniformity among all clocks, fewer problems occur in the workplace. Employees are more efficient and less likely to be late on meetings or deadlines. These results can be achieved in any industry, even the government. Sapling understands…

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The Wireless Clock Anatomy

For the many buildings and institutions that have installed wireless clocks in their facilities, many of them probably haven’t had the chance to crack one open to see what is really delivering the technology that a wireless clock provides. Sapling’s wireless clocks are built with only the highest quality materials, which is followed by thorough…

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