Evolution of Clocks

When people start to list most important inventions ever created, the same answers are always given: electricity, the wheel, the telephone, the car and the internet. Obviously, all of these inventions have made impacts on our society greater than can be properly explained in one blog post. However, none of these objects could have invented…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Convention Centers

There are many organizations that accomplish a variety of duties on a daily basis, but no organization is as chameleon-like and flexible as a convention center where a variety of countless events are held inside every month. Employees within a convention center work day after day changing the outfit of their operation to fit the…

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The Matters of March: St. Patrick’s Day

Heritage is the word given to associate the strong bond between people and the culture of their forefathers. Everyone has origins in certain lands. Whether you have lived somewhere your entire life or a distant relative took a life changing journey to a distant and different land, we all trace our roots, the beginnings of…

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The Matters of March: March Madness

Time to pull out your brackets because it’s about time for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship aka March Madness! For three weeks, the collegiate basketball tournament captures the pulse of the nation and the thrilling action is unparalleled in many other sporting events throughout the year. The entire event spans over three weeks in numerous…

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The Matters of March: 1st day of Spring

Finally, we can see the sunlight at the end of the tunnel! Through the frigid winter, our only warmth was the love and joy of celebrating the holiday season with our friends and family. In regards to winter storms, it seems that this winter was full of promise and disappointment, with more threats then actual…

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Automatically Spring Forward with a Sapling Wireless Clock System

Daylight Saving Time is happening this weekend! The clocks spring forward at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10th. This will give us an extra sunlight at the end of our days, giving everyone a reason to drive home happy! Dreading the task of updating all the clocks in a facility? Let Sapling help you out.…

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Wireless Clocks Manufactures Productivity

The manufacturing division of a company can be described as the backbone that supports all of the company’s efforts. You can have the best talent in marketing, sales, accounting and human resources, but if there is no product to sell, then none of those aspects will make any difference. Many integral facets go into the…

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Sapling Wireless Clocks are Never on Spring Break!

Transportation stations will see an influx of young adults booking transportation within in the next few weeks, all attempting to detect the best deal to arrive at a warm destination to celebrate the yearly tradition of ‘Spring Break.’ Every year around this time, colleges and universities will traditionally be in respite for a week’s length…

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Time to Run at Recess!

No one can forget the good old days in elementary school when the most anticipated time of the day was recess. You trade in lessons in math and English, pencils and blackboards for lessons in exercise and liveliness, fresh air and blacktops. It was seen as a respite time for teachers and for students to…

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Timing Behind the Scenes: On Air with Synchronized Clock System!

We all loved to be entertained! We work so hard that outside of that atmosphere, our downtime should be spent enjoying our time, being entertained and escaping everyday life into the world of entertainment. No matter if it is TV or radio, the broadcast industry has the difficult but exciting job of keep us informed…

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