Hey, IT Admins: Keep Your Facility on Time with IP Clocks

Being an IT Administrator for a company can be a stressful occupation. After all, you’re responsible for all of the computers, network hardware, servers, software and security for an entire corporation. It can be a taxing job, especially with how quickly technology advances and progresses in such a short period of time. One area of…

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Timing Capabilities of IP Clocks

Nowadays, there are still lots of reasons why things like stopwatches and timers are used on a daily basis. Many businesses in many industries need to keep track of activities in order to ensure things like quality and safety. One technology that is particularly used often to facilitate timing is the IP clock. Not only…

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IP Clocks—Making International Travel That Much Easier

Just a few months ago, my trip abroad was, unfortunately, coming to an end. After just three and a half months of visiting in Rome, Italy and traveling throughout Europe, I had been on 18 planes, to 16 cities within eight different countries, and slept on a countless number of hotel beds. It was without…

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Military Application: Where IP Clocks Come In

With such a wide coverage throughout the globe, military camps, bases, office complexes, and airstrips have become more common than ever. The military presence of both the U.S. and many other countries has grown out into neighboring countries as well as in the backyard of our own territories. Along with the sprawling of military infrastructure…

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IP Clocks—the Corporate Way

Does your office complex look like a mess as employees clock in and out for the start of the day, during breaks, and when going home? If you feel like your corporate center is struggling for efficiency when it comes to punch-in times, then it may be time for you to consider a new synchronized…

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IP Clock Infrastructure—Paving the Way for Modern Time Synchronization!

Nowadays, IP infrastructure can be found just about anywhere. While older buildings may still carry on without such new and pioneering technology, new construction is constantly implementing IP infrastructure throughout the design of a new building project. There are several advantages to installing IP throughout a structure. In a world where almost nothing can be…

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How IP Clocks Stay in Sync with Every Device on the Network

Nowadays, more and more facilities are relying solely on network infrastructure to run the many systems that are typically installed in a building. Using the network is considered extremely reliable and eliminates extra expenses that would otherwise occur from additional wiring or materials. There are several key advantages of using network connected devices throughout a…

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Why IP Clocks Do All the Work without All the Hassle

It’s not hard to imagine that keeping up with the maintenance in large facilities can be a tiring task. Between inspecting various systems periodically, making repairs and programming changes, facility managers and maintenance personnel are constantly jumping from task to task in order to not fall behind. One reliable system that eases this burden is…

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The Configuration Station – How to Use it

The time has finally come! Sapling is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Configuration Station on our company website. Beginning this week, visitors will notice a change to Sapling’s website. On the left hand side of the home page just above the Engineering Specifications and Live Chat feature, Sapling has added the…

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