Wireless Technology
Manufacturing Made Easy
The production department in any company typically runs hand in hand with the company’s overall success. If the manufactures cannot produce goods fast enough then the company’s customer satisfaction will plummet if demand is not met in a timely fashion. The speed in which these manufacturers can produce a product relies heavily on their time…
Read MoreStay Synchronized With the U.S. Government
The United States government is among the most powerful in the world. Made up of three branches, legislative, judicial and executive, these are the highest ranking authoritative bodies within the government. In addition to those three branches, there are several other government agencies working towards obtaining other goals. The Environmental Protection Agency, Agricultural Department and…
Read MoreKeeping Time in the Largest Mall in America
The day to day activities of the employees of a mall are often overlooked – especially in a mall like the Mall of America. One of the largest malls ever built, the Mall of America is home to over 520 stores and has 20,000 parking spaces! With over 40 million visitors every year, the…
Read MoreSavings Ahead With Sapling Clocks
Typically, the main goal of every business is to turn out a profit. All work is aimed toward providing quality products, service and ultimately, maximizing the profit margin. In today’s day and age, with so many different aspects of a business to run, companies need to find creative ways to save money amongst their budgeting…
Read MoreHow Wireless Clocks Assist with a Facility’s Safety
Supervising and managing a large facility is no walk in the park, especially when you begin to list the countless efforts that must all come together unceremoniously to make sure operations of the facility run efficiently. Large facilities, like hospitals, schools and universities, or businesses, need numerous amounts of these tasks to all come together.…
Read MoreMovie, Popcorn and Synchronized Time
Theaters and cinemas provide a great place for people to go enjoy themselves, relax and spend time with their friends and family. Theaters have a big responsibility, housing hundreds of people in different parts of the facility at one time and showing multiple films. Organization is a must! Implementing a Sapling’s wireless clocks are a…
Read MoreHow Did You Celebrate Dad?
Many thoughts come to mind when you think of your father. They are leaders, workers and teachers, all rolled into one. They help bring us into this world and they also help us navigate through the tough world that lies in front of us today. Sigmund Freud once said, “I cannot think of any need…
Read MoreA Comprehensive Sapling Glossary
With all the technology that is cultivated here at the Sapling Company, we thought it would be useful to provide you with a glossary of common terms you will come across throughout our website and in dealing with our products in order to help benefit you and your facility. By providing you with these synchronized…
Read MoreInteracting with Sapling!
Nowadays, you can’t avoid being social! The advancement of technology, the Internet and formation of the social media revolution has amplified social interaction to a new level. Being a part of the social revolution shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. The information and interaction stream is alive and well and anything you wish…
Read MoreInvite Sapling Clocks on your Summer Vacation!
It’s finally that time of the year! The sun is shining brightly, children are out of school, our heavy insulated coats are packed in storage and people are starting to flock to the warm, sandy beaches! That can only mean one thing: summer time is here! It’s an exciting time of year that allows friends…
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