Timing Around The Globe

Here at Sapling, we take pride in offering our customers a wide array of products that can help them in their daily operations. From our SMA master clock, square clock to our Elapsed Timer, Sapling is always pushing to engineer and manufacturer the best in synchronized time. We are now proud to announce the release…

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Traveling With The Sapling Company

Public transportation is definitely a cheaper alternative to driving yourself and finding parking (especially in a big city), but it can be a bit of an interesting experience. I can’t be sure how your experiences may have went, but mine have been a little dicey. A few years ago I worked at a bar in…

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Sometimes it’s OK to TalkBack

Growing up, you were told to never talk back to your parents. Meaning, of course, to not sass them when they are trying to get a point across, give instructions or facilitate some type of activity or discussion. Jane Nelsen, author of Positive Discipline for Preschoolers, offers some input on why kids talk back to…

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Sapling Contributes Toward Economic Growth

U.S. automotive plants have been working hard to produce more and more every month. These factories hit a bench mark in August, bringing their output up .7% in that month alone (USA Today). This increase in factory output is an optimistic sign that manufacturing could help spark growth in the economy for the latter half…

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Be Social With Sapling

Social media has become an inescapable part in our society today. Especially for businesses and organizations, having an online presence is detrimental to their success. Interacting with existing and potential customers online is very important if the company or organization wants to remain relevant. If you have fallen behind the times, social media refers to…

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Sapling at the Movies

Taking a trip to your local movie theatre is almost always an enjoyable time. The movies are a place that can be amusing for people of all ages. With the exception of the continuously rising ticket prices or the off chance you are disappointed by an awful film, the movies are sure to entertain. Personally,…

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Timing Behind the Scenes- Lost Luggage Handlers

Traveling can be a stressful experience for a multitude of reasons. One such instance is when your luggage with all your valuables get lost or left behind. Items could be lost, stolen; just the pure delay of your items arriving late could bring aggravation to your atmosphere and disrupt your plans (just ask Ben Stiller’s…

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Finish Your Countdown to Efficiency

One of our most unique products we offer here at Sapling is our Elapsed Timer. An Elapsed Timer is a device that allows our digital clocks (3200 or 3300 Series only) to alter from the time to a count up or countdown display. Utilizing this feature can assist many different organizations and companies successfully carry…

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Celebrate Independence Day with Sapling

Each year on July 4th American’s celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4th, 1776, one of the most important documents was signed and enacted, the Declaration of Independence. This officially decreed the United States was a nation free of British rule, as well as free to create our own democracy and build the country in…

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How Wireless Clocks Assist with a Facility’s Safety

Supervising and managing a large facility is no walk in the park, especially when you begin to list the countless efforts that must all come together unceremoniously to make sure operations of the facility run efficiently. Large facilities, like hospitals, schools and universities, or businesses, need numerous amounts of these tasks to all come together.…

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