IP Clocks – Benefit to the Transportation Industry

Many individuals do not know how much of a difference adequate time management can make. Countless benefits can be achieved just from uniformity of time throughout a building. In particular, organizations in the transportation industry can thrive tremendously with the implementation of Sapling’s IP clock system. Whether it’s a bus station, an airport, or transportation…

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Sapling’s PoE Clock System – The Potential X-Factor

When one takes a glance at the clock in his or her workplace, not much is thought of. One little gander is taken periodically to see if it’s almost time to go home, get lunch, attend that important meeting or anything else that may occur during the given workday. One thing is for sure, the…

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PoE Clock Systems – Airport Stress Relievers

Airports are one of those organizations that are stressful for both patrons and employees. With flights being delayed, heightened security measures, the overall fear that many have of flying and a number of other stress-inducing factors; it’s easy to figure out why many individuals do not look forward to the airport segment of their vacation…

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IP Clock System – Helping Private Schools Succeed

Private schools face constant pressures to differentiate themselves from one another in order to attract students to their academic institutions. Usually the prestige of alumni plays a large role as well as academic placement in the future. Although an IP clock system cannot help with the former factor, it can certainly help with the latter.…

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IP Clock Systems – X-Factors for Resort Owners

Hotel resorts have it hard in this day and age. With the emergence of so many different hotel resorts and other tourist attractions being built year after year, it’s difficult for a consumer to stay loyal to a particular brand. The reason for this is because, other than the fact that consumers have so many…

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Sapling IP Clock Systems in Correctional Facilities

When executives of correctional facilities meet for their annual budget meeting, swift decisions are made. These decisions affect employees’ jobs, the amount of money that will be accounted into certain departments, and so on and so forth. Large decisions are made at these meetings that affect all stakeholders of the organization. Out of all the…

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PoE Clock Systems – Environmentally Friendly

Conforming to sustainable business practices is an ideal that is frequently preached but rarely practiced. Time and time again, you’ll hear about corporations making oaths to change the world to one that is friendly to its environment, yet all we people see is a stylish green leaf next to the company logo, or contradicting terms…

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Sapling’s PoE Clock System – Ideal for Startups

Small businesses make up a sizeable portion of America’s economy. These days, with many employees getting laid off or falling victim to a salary freeze, more and more individuals are contemplating the idea of starting their own business. The appeal to do so makes sense. Think about it, owning your own studio or restaurant and…

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Sapling’s IP Clock System – Helping You Save Energy

Currently, the world’s population has surpassed the six billion mark, which means that with more people, the more energy we consume on a daily basis. With an increase in the demand for energy, there also comes an increase in the price for energy as well. This fact is evident in the high, record setting gas…

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