Sapling’s IP Clock System – How it Operates

In today’s culture, the only thing advancing quicker than technology is our society’s desire to understand and utilize that technology to produce the most efficient results for business’ and individuals’ alike. Constant advancements in technology are not only expected, but required. Everyone is looking to foster it individually or within their company in order to…

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How Sapling’s Elapsed Timer Can Assist ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

The healthcare industry is a vital part of our society, providing care and, in certain situations, savings lives of those who absolutely need it. Sometimes quick decisions are made on the spot at every hospital around the world; these quick decisions impact so many lives, but few hospitals have the eyes of millions placed upon…

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February Fever!

Amazing how quickly a year can begin! Feels like the other day we were all celebrating the holiday season and ringing in the New Year. Here at Sapling, Inc., we have gotten off to a great start in the first month of 2013. We accomplished a lot of great work, set our goals for the…

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Going Green with Sapling

With such a powerful growing initiative as the Green movement, and all the pageantry and effort that comes with it, it is sometimes very simple to overlook it the more as it becomes a common theme in our culture. Many people become consumed by the cause and take all the necessary steps to live a…

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Unique Features of Sapling’s IP Clock System

Sapling’s IP Clock System is unlike your typical clock system. This synchronized clock system is powered by (PoE) or Power-over-Ethernet, receiving power and data through a CAT5 cable, there is no need for an additional outlet. This system allows for easy set up and operation for any user and has a number of unique features…

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Sapling’s IP Clock System – Helping Save Energy

One major expense that all facilities must contend with is the rising cost of energy. This expense is unavoidable since companies and organizations need to turn on the lights, power equipment and machinery and provide a temperature-controlled environment for employees, among many other things. In order to help these companies and organizations combat the rising…

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How an Elapsed Timer Can Help Your Facility

An Elapsed Timer is a device that gives a digital clock the ability to shift from a time display to a count up or countdown display. Being able to utilize the count up or countdown option can assist many different organizations and companies successfully carry out a variety of tasks, no matter the industry they…

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The IP Clock Evolution

The clock industry, much like many other industries, has evolved to quite some level in recent years. What was once considered imaginative is now possible, even expected. Take the iPod, for example. When the late, great Steve Jobs first unleashed this future pioneer of MP3 players, people couldn’t believe what had come to them. It…

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IP Clock Systems in Hospitals

In the healthcare industry, failure is not an applicable option. The moral obligation healthcare professionals possess requires them to do everything they can in the most effective way possible, otherwise experiencing both psychological and legal backlash. Many healthcare executives fail to take notice that time is one of the most crucial factors in medical practices.…

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IP Clock Systems – Manufacturing Benefits

Manufacturing plants are the heart and soul of any industry. They make the products that a company distributes to consumers and businesses. If a manufacturing plant fails, the overall organization most likely fails. Maximum productivity and efficiency should be a top priority for manufacturing plants. Sapling’s IP clock systems might just be the glue that…

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