Productivity Across any Time Zone

In regards to communications, the world in which we live gets smaller day by day. It started with Alexander Graham Bell’s creation of the telephone, and today we have advanced the continuation of that creation up to the point where we now have the Internet, iPhones, and email that make worldwide communication instantaneous! All of…

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The Matters of March: 1st day of Spring

Finally, we can see the sunlight at the end of the tunnel! Through the frigid winter, our only warmth was the love and joy of celebrating the holiday season with our friends and family. In regards to winter storms, it seems that this winter was full of promise and disappointment, with more threats then actual…

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Automatically Spring Forward with a Sapling Wireless Clock System

Daylight Saving Time is happening this weekend! The clocks spring forward at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10th. This will give us an extra sunlight at the end of our days, giving everyone a reason to drive home happy! Dreading the task of updating all the clocks in a facility? Let Sapling help you out.…

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Wireless Clocks Manufactures Productivity

The manufacturing division of a company can be described as the backbone that supports all of the company’s efforts. You can have the best talent in marketing, sales, accounting and human resources, but if there is no product to sell, then none of those aspects will make any difference. Many integral facets go into the…

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Sapling Wireless Clocks are Never on Spring Break!

Transportation stations will see an influx of young adults booking transportation within in the next few weeks, all attempting to detect the best deal to arrive at a warm destination to celebrate the yearly tradition of ‘Spring Break.’ Every year around this time, colleges and universities will traditionally be in respite for a week’s length…

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Set Sail with a Sapling Synchronized Clock System

Those who work five days a week or more knows how difficult it is to wake up, arrive at work on time and perform at their job. The daily grind can take such a toll and everyone deserves a chance to get away! One popular vacation option is a cruise which offers so many different…

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Sapling’s IP Clock System – How it Operates

In today’s culture, the only thing advancing quicker than technology is our society’s desire to understand and utilize that technology to produce the most efficient results for business’ and individuals’ alike. Constant advancements in technology are not only expected, but required. Everyone is looking to foster it individually or within their company in order to…

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Unique Features of Sapling’s IP Clock System

Sapling’s IP Clock System is unlike your typical clock system. This synchronized clock system is powered by (PoE) or Power-over-Ethernet, receiving power and data through a CAT5 cable, there is no need for an additional outlet. This system allows for easy set up and operation for any user and has a number of unique features…

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Airports and Synchronized Time Systems

With the holiday season upon us, many people are traveling to see family and friends in different areas, all around the globe. While there are many ways to travel, the airlines seem to get the brunt of the traveling traffic this time of year. As we all know, getting to the airport all the way…

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Cutting Maintenance Fees with a Wireless Clock System

Facility managers have many tasks to complete throughout any given day. Besides managing a team of employees and fulfilling administrative duties, a facility manager also has a hand in any ongoing construction projects, making sure the building is safe and comfortable for employees and many other miscellaneous tasks. One thing that facility managers shouldn’t have…

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