Archive for June 2012
TalkBack Technology – Ideal for Hospitals
Hospitals face constant stresses on a daily basis. A few of the tasks that hospital employees face are taking care of an ill patient, making sure the interns are doing their job properly, filling out the countless paperwork to legally-okay certain procedures and the list goes on and on. The daily life of a physician…
Read MoreSapling Clock Systems – Which to Pick?
Picking an ideal clock system for your industry is anything but an easy task. A great deal of the time, proper due diligence is not done before making a decision, which normally leads to that terrible feeling that many folks like to call “Buyer’s Remorse.” This feeling is no fun at all. Thinking about “what…
Read MoreSapling’s Wired Clock System – A Universal Problem-Solver
There are a lot of different variables to take into account when deciding on the proper clock system for your organization. Living in today’s inconsistent economic state, it’s safe to assume that cost is generally the factor that gets the most attention from decision-making executives. It is worth noting, however, that initial cost is frequently…
Read MoreSapling IP Clock Systems in Correctional Facilities
When executives of correctional facilities meet for their annual budget meeting, swift decisions are made. These decisions affect employees’ jobs, the amount of money that will be accounted into certain departments, and so on and so forth. Large decisions are made at these meetings that affect all stakeholders of the organization. Out of all the…
Read MoreManufacturing Success with a PoE Clock System
Manufacturing plants are the heart and soul of any industry. They make the products that a company distributes to consumers and businesses. If a manufacturing plant fails, the overall organization most likely fails. Maximum productivity and efficiency should be a top priority for manufacturing plants. Sapling’s PoE clock systems might just be the glue that…
Read MorePoE Clock Systems – Environmentally Friendly
Conforming to sustainable business practices is an ideal that is frequently preached but rarely practiced. Time and time again, you’ll hear about corporations making oaths to change the world to one that is friendly to its environment, yet all we people see is a stylish green leaf next to the company logo, or contradicting terms…
Read MoreWireless Clock System in the Military – The Sapling Advantage
The United States is a country that prides itself on how far it has come since its establishment as an independent country. Everybody is aware of the “American Dream” and many try to do whatever possible to achieve it. The famous quote “only in America” is a true testament to how much freedom individuals have…
Read MoreSapling’s IP Clock System – A Necessity for any Organization
There are many reasons how a synchronized clock system can help an organization become more efficient. Unfortunately, many top-level, decision-making executives lack the wherewithal and awareness to understand this fact, which could lead to many organizations not reaching their full potential. Sapling’s IP clock system can make a significant impact as to how business is…
Read More2-Wire Digital Communication – Expanding Success
Time management is an invaluable skill for virtually any industry. Employees and management alike cannot be fully organized if they are not managing their time well. Furthermore, optimal productivity in the workplace is not possible when organization is not maximized. It all starts with the quality of the clock system within the facility. Many administrators…
Read MoreTalkBack System – Transportation
Transportation is an industry that is unlike many others in that it faces constant pressure to satisfy its patrons almost every hour of every day. The economic downfall that occurred a few years back has made a large majority of American citizens reliant on public transportation. With the wide array of different transportation services and…
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