FAQ Friday

Synchronized clock systems are a significant investment for many organizations. Because this could be a substantial cost, it is important that proper due diligence is conducted before committing. Although it is still recommended that a customer speak with a more knowledgeable sales rep, The Sapling Company has picked out a few common questions from clients…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – A Healthcare Necessity

In today’s day and age, people are having a difficult time agreeing on what’s most important in life. Financial achievements tend to be a popular goal for many individuals. On the other hand, people who aren’t as materialistic tend to view less intrinsic successes, such as spending quality time with family friends on a consistent…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock Systems – Benefits that Cannot be Duplicated

All organizations go about their daily business using time management, even if they don’t notice. Deadlines must be met at a certain hour, meetings with clients sometimes cannot be delayed, the list goes on and on. The bottom line is that employees, managers and executives all deal with time pressures every day. Time management skills…

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Wireless Clock System in the Military – The Sapling Advantage

The United States is a country that prides itself on how far it has come since its establishment as an independent country. Everybody is aware of the “American Dream” and many try to do whatever possible to achieve it. The famous quote “only in America” is a true testament to how much freedom individuals have…

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Sapling Wireless Clocks – Improving the Legal System

People normally do not realize how much clock systems can positively affect an organization. Perhaps the organization that goes most unnoticed is the legal industry. Court rooms rely on accurate time management just as much as any other industry. When documentation is so important for a key outcome to occur, court rooms need to do…

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Wireless Clocks: Unknown Benefits

A clock is a product that virtually every industry has in its facilities, but is rarely paid attention to. “It gives the time, that’s it” is the mentality that the average employee would have about this time-telling device. Little do the employees know that an integrated wireless clock system provides a wide array of benefits…

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Integrated Synchronized Clock Systems: The Sapling Advantage

People that work in any industry rely on correct time display. All workers who commute need to make sure that their flight and/or train arrives at, what they believe is, the correct time. Teachers and school administrators need to make sure the time that is being displayed on their clocks is the same in each…

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Wireless Clocks, an Elementary Investment

A synchronized clock system provides many advantages to virtually any industry. Tardiness becomes indefensible and productivity normally spikes tenfold. Education is an industry that can benefit largely from the usage of time uniformity, namely the elementary education sector. Let’s face it, it is common to see a high school student say one thing, and do…

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Wireless Clocks: Government Necessity

Many people are unaware of the benefits that a synchronized wireless clock system provides. When all there is uniformity among all clocks, fewer problems occur in the workplace. Employees are more efficient and less likely to be late on meetings or deadlines. These results can be achieved in any industry, even the government. Sapling understands…

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