Using IP Clock Systems for Facility Maintenance

The phrase “Lower Hour” was the last thing you wanted to hear from our eighth grade teacher at the end of the day. Any classroom or recess misconduct was disciplined with our teacher’s creative after school detention program called “Lower Hour:” an hour after school with the head of our school maintenance staff, Mr. Lower.…

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NTP Servers and IP Clocks for Your Network

Networked solutions for hospitals, schools, airports, and many other facilities are becoming more commonplace as the benefits of this type of solution become more apparent. Having the ability to locate multiple systems on one platform has consolidated a lot of the work that building managers used to do with regards to maintenance, upkeep, and monitoring.…

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Efficiency and Environmental Responsibility with Sapling’s IP Clock System

Whether you are trying to increase productivity in the workplace or decrease the environmental impact of your business, efficiency is always a beneficial attribute. Due to the available configurations with the IP clock system, Sapling can help to make many aspects of your facility more efficient. One of the greatest benefits to using the Sapling…

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Hospital Clocks with an NTP Server – Perfect for the Hospital Campus Setting

Very commonly, a hospital will be comprised of more than just one or two buildings. Well known hospitals such as CHOP in Philadelphia or John Hopkins in Baltimore have their main centralized buildings, and also are surrounded by multiple other buildings—creating the campus setting. These other buildings usually consist of facilities dedicated to research, education,…

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Maintaining Safety in Large Facilities

Managing a large facility is no easy task, particularly when you begin to consider the numerous details that must work harmoniously to in order for things to operate smoothly. When considering a large facility, such as a hospital or corporation, multiple tasks likely come to mind. These may include the handling of various utilities, waste…

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Corporate Productivity – How IP Clocks Can Help

Corporations are continuously striving to be the most productive and efficient organizations possible, particularly in these times of fierce competition and economic downturn. There are many strategies that can be used to achieve these goals. One of the simplest ways to get a leg up on the competition and to ensure that a company operates…

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Keep Up-to-Date with IP Clocks

The synchronized time keeping industry is ever-evolving, with new technological innovations occurring regularly. If your facility requires a new clock system and already has network infrastructure, why not go with the latest? IP Clocks are the newest in clock system technology. They’re installed, maintained, and provide features to which ordinary wall clocks can’t compare. In…

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IP Clocks—a Desirable Choice for Manufacturers

One of the most important aspects in the manufacturing industry has always been keeping time. From tracking the time it takes to cure or finish a product or material to the time used by employees on lunch break, making sure these events occur in a timely fashion dictates deadlines and goals that need to be…

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IP Clocks Do More than Just Tell Time

Although there are many alternatives available, some facilities are still using battery-powered, individual wall clocks. While it may not seem necessary to change a facility’s entire clock system, many of the features of Sapling’s IP clocks may make you reconsider. The obvious benefit of making this switch is the convenience of having synchronized, accurate time…

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