Three Options that Schools Won’t Want to Pass Up for their School Clocks

Synchronized time is, without a doubt, becoming a standard among schools kindergarten through 12th grade. Having extremely accurate time display throughout a school exponentially improves the operations that go on within and around the building. While making the upgrade to synchronized school clocks is always a worth-while endeavor, there are various options and upgrades to…

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Dictionary Series – Wireless Clock Lingo: A Reference Guide

Trying to decide on a wireless clock system? If you are new to the world of synchronized timekeeping, this may not be the easiest task. Perhaps the first thing you should do is learn how to talk the talk. Learning how wireless clocks work and making necessary decisions when picking them out, however, can be…

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What You Didn’t Know About Master Clocks

Hey, what’s that?! No it’s not the iPad or Xbox Kinect, it’s a Sapling Master Clock. What in the world is a master clock? Even though it’s not just your run of the mill clock that hangs on the wall, we don’t expect you to know as much about it as your MacBook either. Master…

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What Users Can Accomplish with Sapling’s IP Clock Monitoring Software

Among all the great technologies and innovations the world has received through Internet Protocol, one that goes commonly overlooked is the development of the IP clock. IP clocks deliver the one thing that every facilities manager or maintenance worker needs: control. Having an IP clock system means the user has the ability to control each…

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Affordable School Clocks for Universities

Due to the current economic climate, the State of Pennsylvania recently announced a significant budget cut for state school funding. This loss of funds, upon final approval, can seriously halter many of the plans that state colleges have in the works that require substantial sums of money and/or rely heavily on government subsidies. This can…

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What’s So Great about Healthcare Clocks? Synchronization!

Ever wonder why your local hospital is considered so reliable in your community? A good place to look would be on the walls inside the building. Look at the clocks and see if they are accurate from patient rooms to emergency rooms to lobbies and hallways. Take note of whether every clock displays the same…

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Single? Or Double-Sided School Clocks? That is the question.

Deciding when to use a single or double-sided school clock within a school building can be tedious. Making this decision not only depends on the exact role the clock is intended to take on, but on the design or layout of the school’s building. So when is the best time to use a single or…

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Design For Architects and Engineers: Sapling’s Master Clock System

When it comes to building projects, architects and engineers face many challenges as they design new facilities and remodel older ones to fit the needs of today’s various organizations. Some of the factors that come into play include appearance, metrics, sustainability, retrofitting and interfacing capability. At The Sapling Company, we design and produce our clock…

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Here’s the Situation: Transportation Industry Saved by IP Clock Systems

When it comes to transportation, the emphasis placed on time couldn’t be more obvious. Those who rely on public transportation to get to work, school, the supermarket, doctor appointments, vacation destinations, etc. expect buses, trains and planes to depart and arrive on time at every stop. When a transportation facility fails to meet the expectations…

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