Timing Behind the Scenes- Lost Luggage Handlers

By Sapling Inc. | July 15, 2013

Traveling can be a stressful experience for a multitude of reasons. One such instance is when your luggage with all your valuables get lost or left behind. Items could be lost, stolen; just the pure delay of your items arriving late could bring aggravation to your atmosphere and disrupt your plans (just ask Ben Stiller’s…

Finish Your Countdown to Efficiency

By Sapling Inc. | July 12, 2013

One of our most unique products we offer here at Sapling is our Elapsed Timer. An Elapsed Timer is a device that allows our digital clocks (3200 or 3300 Series only) to alter from the time to a count up or countdown display. Utilizing this feature can assist many different organizations and companies successfully carry…

On Air with a Zone Clock System

By Sapling Inc. | July 10, 2013

All human beings loved to be entertained! So much occurs in our work, school and home environments during the day, that when we have a moment to enjoy, we want to divert our attention to something outside our world. Whether we are ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, rooting for our favorite sports team during the…

Celebrate Independence Day with Sapling

By Sapling Inc. | July 3, 2013

Each year on July 4th American’s celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4th, 1776, one of the most important documents was signed and enacted, the Declaration of Independence. This officially decreed the United States was a nation free of British rule, as well as free to create our own democracy and build the country in…

How Wireless Clocks Assist with a Facility’s Safety

By Sapling Inc. | July 1, 2013

Supervising and managing a large facility is no walk in the park, especially when you begin to list the countless efforts that must all come together unceremoniously to make sure operations of the facility run efficiently. Large facilities, like hospitals, schools and universities, or businesses, need numerous amounts of these tasks to all come together.…

Sapling’s Video Library

By Sapling Inc. | June 25, 2013

Synchronized clock systems are technical. PoE Injectors, converter boxes, and frequency-hopping are just a few of the terms we use and these can be confusing to those just starting the clock system research stage. Instead of just reading about our products, Sapling has created a comprehensive video library for your learning pleasure. The videos range…

Movie, Popcorn and Synchronized Time

By Sapling Inc. | June 21, 2013

Theaters and cinemas provide a great place for people to go enjoy themselves, relax and spend time with their friends and family. Theaters have a big responsibility, housing hundreds of people in different parts of the facility at one time and showing multiple films. Organization is a must! Implementing a Sapling’s wireless clocks are a…

How Did You Celebrate Dad?

By Sapling Inc. | June 17, 2013

Many thoughts come to mind when you think of your father. They are leaders, workers and teachers, all rolled into one. They help bring us into this world and they also help us navigate through the tough world that lies in front of us today. Sigmund Freud once said, “I cannot think of any need…

Safety First with an IP Clock System

By Sapling Inc. | June 12, 2013

Overseeing a large facility can be difficult, especially when you begin to list the countless tasks that must work together to make sure operations within the building run efficiently. Facilities such as hospitals, schools, or businesses, need many responsibilities working in unison to gain efficiency like tech support or waste management. However, the safety of…

A Comprehensive Sapling Glossary

By Sapling Inc. | June 10, 2013

With all the technology that is cultivated here at the Sapling Company, we thought it would be useful to provide you with a glossary of common terms you will come across throughout our website and in dealing with our products in order to help benefit you and your facility. By providing you with these synchronized…