Sapling’s IP Clock System – Helping You Save Energy

By Sapling Inc. | May 18, 2012

Currently, the world’s population has surpassed the six billion mark, which means that with more people, the more energy we consume on a daily basis. With an increase in the demand for energy, there also comes an increase in the price for energy as well. This fact is evident in the high, record setting gas…

Installing Hospital Clocks

By Sapling Inc. | May 16, 2012

Hospitals these days are commonly implementing advanced technologies that were rarely utilized nearly a decade ago. Out of these devices and equipment that are used to enhance the performance and effectiveness of the healthcare facility, synchronized hospital clocks have become commonplace in providing the accurate time displays that doctors, nurses and patients require. However, a…

Benefits of an IP Clock System

By Sapling Inc. | May 14, 2012

Many things need to be implemented to ensure that productivity occurs at a consistent rate in a corporate facility, notably a sales-oriented sector. Some things are easier to indentify than others, such as setting quotas and/or call plans and making sure that they are adhered to. It’s easy to mention the obvious objectives to endure…

TalkBack System – Helping the Education System

By Sapling Inc. | May 11, 2012

In the education industry, failure is not an option. Teachers need to do all that is possible to ensure that students within the school are in a productive learning environment. Administrators need to do everything in their power to make sure that all aspects of the school are functioning the way it was intended to.…

Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – How Do Clocks Receive Time?

By Sapling Inc. | May 10, 2012

If I asked you what time it was, you could check your watch, the clock on your computer screen, or the timepiece on the wall in order to answer my question. Time is a constant in our lives and while we are always aware of it, have you ever wondered where clocks get the time…

Wireless Clocks: Unknown Benefits

By Sapling Inc. | May 7, 2012

A clock is a product that virtually every industry has in its facilities, but is rarely paid attention to. “It gives the time, that’s it” is the mentality that the average employee would have about this time-telling device. Little do the employees know that an integrated wireless clock system provides a wide array of benefits…

My First Day on the Sapling Team

By Sapling Inc. | May 2, 2012

Have you ever actually taken the time to think about clocks? I haven’t, until today that is. The time is constantly around us, whether it’s hanging on the wall, sitting in the corner of your computer screen, or even attached to your wrist. What was so special about this particular day that time was on…

Sapling’s IP Clock System – The Peyton Manning of Clocks?

By Sapling Inc. | May 2, 2012

I would like to congratulate you for clicking the link to read this blog. If you are a fan of Peyton Manning, good for you; if not, that is just fine as well because much will be learned. The title of this blog may have your typical clock-industry-blog connoisseur scratching his or her head. How…

TalkBack to the Future – The Next Generation

By Sapling Inc. | April 27, 2012

Many individuals fail to acknowledge that time management is more-or-less the root to success. Organization, for example, is a trait that is widely used to characterize one who succeeds. An organized individual has a plan, is determined to complete an objective, and does not let distractions set him or her back. I think I can…

Integrated Synchronized Clock Systems: The Sapling Advantage

By Sapling Inc. | April 23, 2012

People that work in any industry rely on correct time display. All workers who commute need to make sure that their flight and/or train arrives at, what they believe is, the correct time. Teachers and school administrators need to make sure the time that is being displayed on their clocks is the same in each…