Avoid Clogging Up Your Network with IP Clocks

One of the biggest concerns among IT administrators in all facilities is the risk of overloading their network with useless, yet maintenance-demanding devices. In the mind of the IT admin, for every device you hook up to your facility’s network, your life will become more difficult. And this is true in many situations—the more equipment…

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Freshman Year – Timeliness Matters

About a week ago, the hot August days were coming to an end, beach goers were hitting the shore for one last trip, and thousands of students went away to college for their freshman year. Some of the universities that these students attend are quite large, with multiple buildings spread out across an expansive campus.…

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IP Clocks in Train Stations – A Commuter’s Dream

Life for the average college student has become increasingly hectic. With full course loads, extracurricular activities, jobs, internships, and trying to maintain a social life, a student’s schedule can become pretty tight. For students that commute to school such as myself, add to that list two, if not more, hours of travel time each day…

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Emergency Preparedness with Sapling Wireless, Wired, and IP Clocks

“Did you feel the earthquake?” That was the question of the day yesterday here at The Sapling Company. Located in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, earthquakes are not a frequent occurrence at our office. Consequently, the slight rumble caught everyone’s attention and caused quite a stir. After quickly taking to the internet and other news media for…

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IP Clocks – What They Mean to Your Facility

Most people don’t realize how important the little things are in a facility. A variety of everyday items such as computers, projectors and intercom systems keep things running normally throughout the day. Another item that often gets overlooked is the clock system. Having clocks that are not on time in your facility can cause disorder…

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Hey, IT Admins: Keep Your Facility on Time with IP Clocks

Being an IT Administrator for a company can be a stressful occupation. After all, you’re responsible for all of the computers, network hardware, servers, software and security for an entire corporation. It can be a taxing job, especially with how quickly technology advances and progresses in such a short period of time. One area of…

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Timing Capabilities of IP Clocks

Nowadays, there are still lots of reasons why things like stopwatches and timers are used on a daily basis. Many businesses in many industries need to keep track of activities in order to ensure things like quality and safety. One technology that is particularly used often to facilitate timing is the IP clock. Not only…

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IP Clocks—Making International Travel That Much Easier

Just a few months ago, my trip abroad was, unfortunately, coming to an end. After just three and a half months of visiting in Rome, Italy and traveling throughout Europe, I had been on 18 planes, to 16 cities within eight different countries, and slept on a countless number of hotel beds. It was without…

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