Take Time to Salute the Troops
Here in the United States of America, we are privileged enough to live in a land full of hope and dreams. Thanks to our forefathers, the founders of the country and the immigrants who quickly blazed the trail and integrated themselves into a land we now have the fortune of calling home, we have the freedom of speech, religion and the pursuit of happiness. Every day, soldiers are going arm and arm into battle with their contemporaries to fight for our country, defend our freedom. Serving your country at any level is the most selfless, commendable act a person can dedicate their life to. We as citizens could never do enough to thank these true heroes.
At Sapling, we attempt to create a product that is beneficial to all industries and to give back a little something to those who sacrifice for our freedom on a daily basis. Here are some ways a Sapling synchronized clock system will help a military base:
• Punctuality – Consistent promptness shows responsibility and reliability, especially in order to have a proficient military protecting the country. Installing a Sapling synchronized time system provides one less reason for military personnel to arrive late to crucial procedures such as training, strategic meetings, etc.
• Organization – With such a colossal responsibility of serving the nation and defending the rights of our country, it is very important that military personnel are able to structure and arrange related or connected items. Expecting the unexpected comes with the territory in any tour of duty; any aid that can contribute to increased organization and preparedness is beneficial. Sapling synchronized time systems provide this, everyone in the facility will operate on the same time, knowing the schedule and creating a cohesive work environment.
• Maximize Efficiency – Time and communication are precious entities on a military base. As stated before, with everyone on time, organized and on the same page, productivity will increase, accomplishing quality work benefitting the troops. Sapling zone clocks display the time in your current location plus time in other worldly regions. Also, it automatically updates for Daylight Savings Time and provides knowledge for increased focused on important tasks at hand.
We here at Sapling our proud of our true heroes and work diligently to honor and maintain the American spirit. We embody the essence of America, land of opportunity, with all of our clocks being manufactured right here in the United States, in Huntingdon Valley, Pa.
We salute our troop on this Memorial Day weekend and every day for all they sacrifice to defend our great nation! God Bless America!