Timing Behind the Scenes – Purchasing Agent

In most people’s lives, a time will come where they have to leave the comfort of their home, whether begrudgingly for a business trip or excited for a personal vacation. In many cases, you will need a hotel to act as a home away from home and supply the necessary rooms and amenities to make…

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Zone Clocks – Great Travel Companions

Streams of patrons fill the world’s airports on a daily basis. With such a variety of people in constant movement at any given airport, emotions tend to run high. Those set to study abroad, spring break or returning home to visit family are consumed by anticipation; while those traveling for business purposes are focused and…

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Productivity Across any Time Zone

In regards to communications, the world in which we live gets smaller day by day. It started with Alexander Graham Bell’s creation of the telephone, and today we have advanced the continuation of that creation up to the point where we now have the Internet, iPhones, and email that make worldwide communication instantaneous! All of…

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How a Zone Clock Can Help Your Organization

In many businesses, across a variety of industries, many employees are constantly communicating with others that reside in different countries or regions across the globe. Whether you are trying to schedule a conference call, get in touch with a satellite office, or even send an e-mail, knowing the exact time in the regions you are…

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