Daylight Savings With Sapling

The idea for Daylight Saving Time first began with Benjamin Franklin. He is credited with conceiving Daylight Saving for the purpose of preserving energy. Although, it was not Franklin who first put his own idea into action. The emperor of Germany during World War 1, Kaiser Wilhelm II, first implemented Franklin’s idea of Daylight Saving…

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The Balancing Act

Working in a hospital can be stressful to say the least. Health care professionals have so many responsibilities to juggle at one time that daily operations can become quite hectic. For most professionals, working in the industry is one giant balancing act, balancing different of tasks that must be completed on time. Due to the…

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Sapling: Distributing Synchronized Time

A distribution center is a vital component of many companies, especially for those who are exclusively based online. A distribution center is either a warehouse or some other specialized building that is stocked with a company’s product. This product is then distributed to retailers, wholesalers or directly to consumers. There are many different types of…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Business Complexes

Business operations of all kinds are the backbone of our world economy. No matter what industry a company operates in, product or service an organization provides to the public or other to businesses, workers must work consistently and diligently to complete their assigned tasks to help proceed and increase demand. Within any department of a…

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On Air with a Zone Clock System

All human beings loved to be entertained! So much occurs in our work, school and home environments during the day, that when we have a moment to enjoy, we want to divert our attention to something outside our world. Whether we are ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, rooting for our favorite sports team during the…

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Set Sail with a Sapling Synchronized Clock System

Those who work five days a week or more knows how difficult it is to wake up, arrive at work on time and perform at their job. The daily grind can take such a toll and everyone deserves a chance to get away! One popular vacation option is a cruise which offers so many different…

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This Time in History – The Launch of Facebook

Nowadays, when asked what you were doing this time last year or two years ago, people are now accustomed to going back through their Timeline where they can find posts, videos, photos and events that were occurring and impacting their life at a particular point in time. If you asked Mark Zuckerberg what he was…

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Timing Behind the Scenes – Sports Equipment Managers

Sapling’s synchronized clock systems can benefit a wide array of industries. In order to showcase how our clock systems can do just that, we have decided to go behind the scenes in certain industries and focus on a particular job or task and how the addition of a Sapling synchronized clock system can help bring…

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