Sapling’s Master Clock – Leader of the Pack

  There cannot be a price put on to the value of leadership, which is defined as the action of guiding or managing a group of people or an organization, in any life endeavor. As former President John Quincy Adams one said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and…

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Wireless Clocks Aid in the Healthcare Field

Our world is constantly evolving; we have never had as many people on earth as we do right now. Earth’s population has surpassed the 7 billion mark. A large reason for this growing trend is the fact that humans are living longer than ever before, due in large part to our greater knowledge of the…

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Sapling’s Wireless Clock System – Teamwork at Its Finest

As the old saying goes, ‘There is no I in TEAM!’ Although there is an ‘I’ in the phrase Wireless Clock System, do not let that fool you because this clock system is a terrific example of the meaning of teamwork. They show that when a team works together for a common purpose, much more…

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NTP Servers and IP Clocks for Your Network

Networked solutions for hospitals, schools, airports, and many other facilities are becoming more commonplace as the benefits of this type of solution become more apparent. Having the ability to locate multiple systems on one platform has consolidated a lot of the work that building managers used to do with regards to maintenance, upkeep, and monitoring.…

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Sync Options for Master Clocks

Have you ever visited a facility, looked up at the clocks and taken note that every clock you see displays the exact same time? Chances are you haven’t! While accurate time is somewhat hard to notice for the visitors of a particular building, it is a very important aspect for the employees of many hospitals,…

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Master Clocks vs. NTP Servers: What’s the Difference?

Not sure whether your clock system needs a master clock? Wondering why you shouldn’t just use a NTP server? These are both valid questions when choosing an appropriate time resource for your facility. The fact of the matter is they both work best when used together. Let’s explain how both devices work and their technology…

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Syncing Your Entire Facility with an NTP Server

The benefits of having synchronized time throughout a facility can be endless. Having all analog and digital clocks in a facility displaying the exact same time is proven to streamline workflows and increase the efficiency of the building. These are just the benefits to having a synchronized clock system, but what if you had the…

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