Got questions? Get answers!

By Sapling Inc. | September 22, 2011

Whether you’re a distributor, architect, engineer, or end user, you’ll want the process of purchasing, installing, and enjoying your new wireless or IP clock system to go as seamlessly as possible. However, with a variety of systems to choose from and countless features, you may run into some questions along the way. “What’s better for…

IP Clocks—a Desirable Choice for Manufacturers

By Sapling Inc. | September 22, 2011

One of the most important aspects in the manufacturing industry has always been keeping time. From tracking the time it takes to cure or finish a product or material to the time used by employees on lunch break, making sure these events occur in a timely fashion dictates deadlines and goals that need to be…

Self-Monitoring Wireless Clocks – Wouldn’t That Be Nice?

By Sapling Inc. | September 19, 2011

Wireless clock technology has seemed to find its way into many hospitals, schools, manufacturing plants, corporate facilities all over. These clocks don’t cost much, but they perform the task just as well or better than any wired synchronized clock solution out there. Due to their ability to be powered by batteries and corrected for accurate…

IP Clocks Do More than Just Tell Time

By Sapling Inc. | September 15, 2011

Although there are many alternatives available, some facilities are still using battery-powered, individual wall clocks. While it may not seem necessary to change a facility’s entire clock system, many of the features of Sapling’s IP clocks may make you reconsider. The obvious benefit of making this switch is the convenience of having synchronized, accurate time…

Time Zones Aren’t the Only Difference Abroad

By Sapling Inc. | September 15, 2011

This summer, I had my first opportunity to leave the United States and travel abroad to visit family members in France. While I was immersed in a new culture chock full of confusing French phrases and the most delicious food, one aspect that struck me was the difference in the daily schedule of my French…

Avoid Clogging Up Your Network with IP Clocks

By Sapling Inc. | September 14, 2011

One of the biggest concerns among IT administrators in all facilities is the risk of overloading their network with useless, yet maintenance-demanding devices. In the mind of the IT admin, for every device you hook up to your facility’s network, your life will become more difficult. And this is true in many situations—the more equipment…

The Do’s and Don’ts of B2B

By Sapling Inc. | September 9, 2011

As the world shifts to a more global economy and the supply chain for many industries and products stretches longer, the volume of B2B (business to business) transactions and relations has grown beyond many predictions. With this growth, businesses are becoming hard pressed to learn the skills and disciplines that are synonymous with building B2B…

Taking Steps Towards a “Green” Business with Sapling Wireless Clocks

By Sapling Inc. | September 9, 2011

“Going green”. We’ve heard the phrase again and again. What used to be nothing more than a color has now become a world-wide movement for environmental protection and conservation. The products of this campaign can be seen in everything from anti-littering campaigns to families installing solar panels on their houses. Much of the weight of…

Breakthroughs in Wireless Cell Tower Technology

By Sapling Inc. | September 8, 2011

The competition between cell phone companies has always been about who has the best coverage, or who can get your mobile Facebook page on your phone to load the fastest. Well, with recent developments in wireless cell tower technology this competition could get even more heated as companies gravitate to 4g and 5g networks in…

Freshman Year – Timeliness Matters

By Sapling Inc. | September 8, 2011

About a week ago, the hot August days were coming to an end, beach goers were hitting the shore for one last trip, and thousands of students went away to college for their freshman year. Some of the universities that these students attend are quite large, with multiple buildings spread out across an expansive campus.…