Happy Thanksgiving!

Every fourth Thursday in the month of November, family and friends from all across the United States of America gather together around dining room tables, kitchen counters or in front of the television, in honor of the national holiday of Thanksgiving. This holiday celebrates people joining together to break bread with one another. We continue…

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Happy Veteran’s Day from Sapling!

Every year, we come together as a nation to even further recognize and pay tribute to the veterans of our country. The sacrifices that they have made during their time in service have provided freedoms that are far too often taken for granted.  Veterans Day is the official United States holiday honoring those who have…

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Celebrate Independence Day with Sapling

Each year on July 4th American’s celebrate our nation’s independence. On July 4th, 1776, one of the most important documents was signed and enacted, the Declaration of Independence. This officially decreed the United States was a nation free of British rule, as well as free to create our own democracy and build the country in…

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How Did You Celebrate Dad?

Many thoughts come to mind when you think of your father. They are leaders, workers and teachers, all rolled into one. They help bring us into this world and they also help us navigate through the tough world that lies in front of us today. Sigmund Freud once said, “I cannot think of any need…

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