February Fever!

Amazing how quickly a year can begin! Feels like the other day we were all celebrating the holiday season and ringing in the New Year. Here at Sapling, Inc., we have gotten off to a great start in the first month of 2013. We accomplished a lot of great work, set our goals for the…

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How a Sapling Clock System Could’ve Helped Jack Bauer

Everyone needs a hero in their lives, whether it’s a fictional or non-fictional persona, it’s someone you can depend on in times of trouble and even potential peril. Your hero can be someone who picks you up after your car breaks down or saves the world against evil using nonhuman powers to fly and laugh…

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Ambition – The Key to Excellence

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle The Olympic Games are where legends are born.…

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Steve Jobs’ Impact on Technology, Me and Sapling

As everyone in the world now knows, Steve Jobs passed away on Wednesday after a long fight with pancreatic cancer.  Not one person I know wasn’t affected in some way and maybe even felt a sense of personal loss considering he was the most influential CEO in history.  Almost everyone I know has a product…

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Sapling Social Media – Stay Updated with Ease

The Sapling Company is a leading technological innovator, and we are eager to provide updates for both new and existing customers about our latest products and advancements. One of our recent blogs discussed trade shows, in which Sapling has the opportunity to travel all over the country and abroad to meet our clients firsthand. Unfortunately,…

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