The Balancing Act

Working in a hospital can be stressful to say the least. Health care professionals have so many responsibilities to juggle at one time that daily operations can become quite hectic. For most professionals, working in the industry is one giant balancing act, balancing different of tasks that must be completed on time. Due to the challenging balancing act that healthcare professionals undertake, time management becomes a huge factor in their daily routine.

Balancing several things simultaneously can be difficult for someone who has so many tasks to complete in one day. A nurse, for example, has multiple responsibilities that may be required to be completed at specific intervals. They must administer medications, keep up with paperwork, and assist in emergency situations, just to name a few. In order for a nurse to better balance their responsibilities, they must utilize an effective time management strategy, and that begins with a synchronized time system.

A synchronized time system is a connected system of clocks within a facility receiving the time from a master clock. The master clock sends a signal to the secondary clocks ensuring that every clock within the system has the same, accurate time. The Sapling Company has been manufacturing different synchronized clock systems for more than two decades. Our synchronized clocks are the most innovative in the industry today, and have been helping healthcare professionals since our company’s start.

With the assistance of a synchronized clock system, industry professionals can minimize any legal ramifications from incorrectly timed administration of medications. With all clocks running on the same time source, nurses and doctors can properly administer the right dosage at the right time mitigating their legal risk. Also, during emergencies such as a Code Blue, Sapling’s Elapsed Timer can count up or down on the push of a button and continually inform the emergency staff of how long they have been involved in the crisis.

Sapling’s synchronized clocks can be extremely beneficial to those in the healthcare industry who are caught in a balancing act.  Allocating the proper amount of time to every task can be done more efficiently with the help of The Sapling Company.

For any further inquiries on Sapling and their synchronized clock systems, please contact us!