Start off the School Year in Sync with Sapling’s Master Clock

As the summer draws to a close, administrators, teachers, and numerous other officials are busily preparing schools for the return of hundreds of lively students. Textbooks are being organized, classrooms are being decorated, and supplies are being ordered. With countless details to consider, it is difficult to keep a school running as efficiently as possible, particularly during those first few hectic weeks of the semester. To prevent important tasks from falling by the wayside, schools should act now to make use of Sapling’s SMA 3000 Series Master Clock as part of their wireless clock system so that by the time the first student enters the door, school officials will have a few less details to worry about.

Sync Your Schedules

A competent and timely bell system is of the utmost importance in order for any school to function smoothly. However, manual bell systems are subject to human error, and one tired individual asleep at the switch can throw an entire school day off schedule. An early bell can cheat students from valuable minutes on an important examination; a delayed bell can cause busses to get students home late. However, with the SMA 3000 Master Clock¸ 4 to 8 auxiliary zones can be used to pre-set up to 800 events. This means administrators can program bell schedules for almost any type of school day (early dismissals, two hour delays, etc.). Program the bell schedules into the SMA 3000 Series Master Clock before the school year begins, and save the hassle of always keeping an eye on the clock. Expect a timely day, every day.

Sync Your Switches

Along with a new school year comes a new routine. While a period of adjustment can be expected for both students and teachers alike, this can sometimes result in oversights that are both costly and potentially hazardous. Who turns off the coffee pot in the faculty lounge at the end of the day? Who makes certain that the lights in the auditorium are turned off after drama club? With the SMA 3000 Series Master Clock, lights and other electronic devices can be programmed as events so that they automatically turn on or off based on the preferred settings. So who turns of the lights and the coffee pot? Rest easy knowing that Sapling has got it covered.

Sync Your Security

By now, you’ve learned that Sapling’s SMA 3000 Master Clock can save both time and energy as the new school year begins. Perhaps more importantly, the SMA 3000 Series Master Clock can also provide peace of mind. With more and more schools taking greater precautions to maintain a safe and secure educational environment, it is vital that schools use the master clock to automate their security systems. Imagine the efficiency of consolidating main door locks with the bell system– that way, any students rushing in at the last minute will not be impeded by a prematurely locked door. In addition, schools that program their master clock to activate security systems at a specific time will never again have to worry about the potential failure to set an alarm.

The beginning of a new school year is exciting—but it can also be stressful. Why not take these last few weeks of summer to get ahead of the game? The Sapling SMA 3000 Series Master Clock, when used as part of a school’s wireless clock system, can keep days timely, efficient, and safe, allowing everyone from the concerned parent to the busy principal to benefit. No longer will time or energy be wasted on error-prone manual systems, and schools can focus more of both on education. Also, that frazzled student rushing through the doors just seconds before the bell? They’ll thank you.