Sapling Spotlight Series: Brian White, Lead Technician

“ Tech Call, Sapling Two. Tech call, Two.”
This is a common phrase heard echoing over the intercom here at The Sapling Company. While the rest of us perk up momentarily at the announcement and then return to our work, one department drops what they’re doing and grabs the nearest phone. One person that often picks up the phone is Brian White, Lead Technician, who has been known to take calls from anywhere in the office, including the lunch room.
One of the great aspects of The Sapling Company is our dedication to ensuring that every wired, IP, or wireless clock system we install lives up to the quality that customers have come to expect from Sapling clocks. Because of this, Sapling offers unlimited free tech support to all of our clients for the life of their synchronized clock system. This responsibility falls largely on Brian’s shoulders, who not only answers questions over the phone, but visits sites in person to do troubleshooting and the occasional installation.
What do you like best about working at The Sapling Company?
I like that I get to do a million things and interact with all of the different departments. In addition, I like that I’m relied upon, which often leads to the opportunity to travel, and also that my ideas are implemented directly into our products. For example, I was directly involved in the enhancements of our wireless clock system.
How long have you been working at Sapling, and how did you become the Lead Technician?
It will be 4 years at the beginning of December. I became the Lead Technician through hard work and dedication, and going the extra mile, such as coming in on Saturdays, or traveling at the last minute if needed.
What do you do as Lead Technician?
A variety of different things—in addition to the occasional repair and tech calls, I work closely with the engineering and sales departments. I also travel to sites to troubleshoot. I have a 100% fix rate.
What has been your favorite location to travel to?
My favorite location to travel to was Utah, where I troubleshot a hospital system. There were a ton of outdoor activities to do, thanks to both the desert and the mountains.
What has been your proudest moment?
My proudest moment was doing an installation for Philadelphia’s leading children’s hospital. It is rewarding to be able to go into any site that has been having trouble during installation, and be able to assess and fix the problem. I was also proud to be named Employee of the Year.
What are your hobbies outside of work?
Socializing, outdoor activities, any kind of sport, and eating food.
What is an interesting fact about you?
I coach softball, and I also play on the weekends.
When Brian is not concentrating on a tech call or a repair, he is lightening the mood in the office with his rambunctious personality and humorous antics. So much, in fact, that it was difficult to get a straight answer from anyone when asked about Brian; the good-natured jokes just kept coming. Perhaps Lenny Layman, IS/TS Repair Technician for the Thompson School district, said it best: “Brian at Sapling picked up the ball and provided above-and-beyond technical support, that without, this project would have failed numerous times. Brian’s persistence to insure Sapling delivered on [its] word was an honor to be part of.”
Well done, Brian. Be on the lookout for another Sapling personality in our next Sapling Spotlight blog.