Sapling Master Clocks: Which Model Suits You Best?

When deciding to implement a Sapling synchronized clock system, determining the right system is not the only decision that may take some thought. If you decide to go to a wired or wireless system by Sapling, choosing which master clock should control your system is the very next step. There are two options presented by Sapling in the works of master clocks: the SMA 2000 and the SMA 3000. This blog post will bring to light the differences between these two products, and will attempt to show a potential user which product is right for their situation.

SMA 2000 Series Master Clocks are the simplest option for Sapling’s synchronized clock systems. This means they are perfect for those users that need few but important features with their clock system. The following are features that the SMA Series 2000 can provide:

• Two push-button for simple programming
• Automatic biannual Daylight Saving Time adjustment
• Interfacing with other systems such as sync-wire or RS485
• 12 or 24 hour mode

The SMA 3000 Series Master Clock, however, is equipped with the same features and more, making it ideal for users that want their clock system to perform multiple tasks and responsibilities. Listed below are additional features of the SMA 3000 master clock:

• 2×8 rubble tactile keypad for multiple programming capabilities
• 800 event scheduling capability with four or eight configurable relays with zone   option
• Digital clock countdown feature when countdown option is selected

Depending on the size of the user’s facility, as well as the amount of functions that go on within the facility, these facts will most likely dictate which master clock is the right solution for the user. Facility managers who run large, multi-building campuses may want the option to control the power to appliances throughout the campus through a centralized location; a task the SMA 3000 can perform. Conversely, an office administrator who only needs a simple time solution for their single office building may see the SMA 2000 as the right solution, whereas the only requirement of the master clock is to interface with the building’s old system and provide accurate time. This doesn’t hold true in every single situation, however, users may find this information helpful when deciding between installing the SMA 2000 or 3000 Series Master Clock.