It’s Easy to ‘FCC’ why Sapling Wireless Clock Systems are the Most Beneficial

Wireless clock systems have taken off in the market over the past several years. It has become a viable force in multiple industries, providing efficient technology that can easily integrate into an array of industries to improve the effectiveness of their business. Healthcare, education, transportation and hospitality are just a few examples of industries that can benefit from implementing a wireless clock system.

Because of the way a wireless clock system operates, sending data back and forth over multiple frequencies, they must be subject to regulation. Just as radio, television or any other broadcast medium must be supervised, so too must be what is sent through by the clock system. This important job is relegated to the United States government, particularly the FCC.

The FCC stands for Federal Communications Commission. As described on the Bureau Veritas Group’s official website under Federal Communications Commission Frequently Asked Questions, the FCC is defined as: “An agency of the U.S. Federal Government responsible for the management of the radio spectrum in the U.S. The FCC protects against “radio and broadcast pollution”, both by enforcing standards of broadcast decency, and by regulating electromagnetic noise sources.”

However, all this supervision must come at a price. Depending on the product, certain industries must pay for an FCC license and this cost can add up and much time is spent filling out the proper paperwork to renew it. All of this excess cost can be eliminated by implementing a Sapling wireless clock system. Sapling’s system operates on the 915-928 MHz range; this range requires no FCC license, saving you time and money over the life of your system.

Enhancing your facility with a wireless clock system is extremely beneficial, and should not require more excess fees than necessary. For the most up-to-date information on Sapling and our clock systems, follow us on Facebook.