Be Social With Sapling

Social media has become an inescapable part in our society today. Especially for businesses and organizations, having an online presence is detrimental to their success. Interacting with existing and potential customers online is very important if the company or organization wants to remain relevant.

If you have fallen behind the times, social media refers to a means of interacting with others where the users create, share and exchange all sorts of information over the web. This information is all exchanged via virtual communities and networks which allows the content to be user generated and shared at an extremely fast rate.

Interacting with businesses online is easier today than it was ever before. A social media survey given to more than 1,200 company managers around the world revealed just how relevant social media actually is (VendingMarketWatch). 8 out of 10 American companies have a Facebook page, while 45 percent are on Twitter as well. 31 percent of American companies have a YouTube channel, and 48 percent are involved with LinkedIn. These statistics show just how important an online presence is in business today.

The Sapling Company  has spent the past few years building a rapport with our online community. Connecting with us has never been easier! Our social media pages are full of stories, blogs, facts, interesting random stuff and anything related to Sapling.

Go to Saplings Facebook page and give us a like. Follow us on twitter for our daily #TimeFlies tweet. Connect with us on LinkedIn,  and subscribe to our YouTube channel for visually stunning demonstrations on our clocks and synchronized clock systems.

Here at Sapling, developing relationships with our customers is one of our top priorities. We thoroughly enjoy feedback on any one of our many social media platforms. So like, comment, share, retweet, favorite, watch, and connect with us anywhere you can!