Whether your company is operating a television or radio station, there is a constant reliance on accurate timing within the broadcasting industry. If you are broadcasting the news, a show or playing music, proper planning must take place in order to avoid dead air, inaccurate scheduling of advertisements and absent employees when a live broadcast is beginning. Since all employees are operating on the same exact time, implementing a synchronized clock system in a television or radio station can help a broadcasting organization run smoother.

Proper Planning and Scheduling
For a broadcasting organization to run effectively, a considerable amount of planning and scheduling must take place in order to cater to an audience. In a broadcasting station, it’s vital that the scheduling of advertisements take place with enough time for a particular program to run without running over time. With a synchronized time system, employees will know the exact time to cut to commercial, how long the break will be and when the program needs to wrap up in order to stay on schedule. As for employees, since every clock is displaying the exact same time, a synchronized time system can help them plan their day. Employees can set aside adequate time for meetings, unexpected occurrences and know when to report to their department for a live broadcast.

Universal Time Awareness
In broadcasting, especially within the realm of the news business, it’s important to know the precise time in your location as well as other spots around the world. In order to help with this, Sapling offers a zone clock, which displays the time in your current location in addition to the time in other regions or countries around the world. This tool can help a station manager organize employees and correspondents who are reporting from overseas or in different time zones. The application of a zone clock will also allow employees to view what time it is in various satellite offices all over the globe.

Real Time Countdown Feature
With cutting to and from commercial breaks and transitioning between segments, Sapling offers a real-time countdown feature for easy visibility to see when to cut back to live or scheduled programming. With the implementation of a digital synchronized clock system, station managers have the ability to use the countdown feature, which will allow employees to know how long they have until a particular segment or broadcast is coming to a close.
Implementing a synchronized time system in any type of broadcasting station helps an organization in more ways than simply displaying the correct time; it provides benefits that can greatly enhance a broadcasting station’s quality of work and reputation.